Wanted to...
Thought I should.
Got overwhelmed.
Felt misdirected.
But here's the thing.
It's all in my head.
Those things are happening, they are real.
I'm focusing on something else, instead.
Overwhelmed means ABUNDANCE.
Misdirected? Perhaps the goal is near.
Mistreated? All in how you view it:
Could be their ego, could be their FEAR.
I'm brave enough for everyone.
Stronger than they know.
Smart enough to see the truth:
You manifest your destiny - you choose the way you go.
So friends, I am still working
Still in this restoration game.
My barn may be 100 this year.
We can give it a fresh face - maybe even a name.
This path comes from my very core.
It breathes my every breath.
What's old will again be new.
My sole intent
Aim true